Sunday, 30 March 2008

Friday Craft has not been on for a few weeks, but some of us have been hard at work.

Belinda is now a Pencil Roll wiz, and whipped up these 3 in no time.
Friday Craft is on this Friday.

Friday, 7 March 2008

Friday 7th March

Here is Pippi in her apron. She loves it so much she was planning outfits to go with it, and she even wore it home in the car.
She also made a preschool bag for Tom out of cute doggy material.
The purse I made from my new sewing book, 'Bend the Rules Sewing' (yes I realise I am probably the last person in Blogland to actually get this book).
I had to unpick it several times and was ready to throw it in the bin at one stage, but it all came good (almost) in the end.
And thanks Pippi for the lovely vintage button to finish it off.

Pippi and I are 'messies', and have the exact same attitude to sewing, get it done as quickly as possible. Instant gratification rules here.
Belinda and Annette left early to go to assembly up at the school, sorry no photos again this week girls.

Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Friday Craft is not on tomorrow (29th February) because Dave and I are going away.

Hope to see you next week. Jo

Thursday, 21 February 2008

What are we making?

Pippi made a gorgeous throw for her lounge.
Katie is making a skirt.
I finally finished these two tops for Sarah.

Annette, Ann and Belinda left before I remembered to take some photos.

Friday 22nd February.

What we ate...caramel slice, dip and bikkies, chocolate cake, but I did make a token salad to go with the quiches for lunch.

We had some little people at Craft today, the lovely Tom and Ben. They were darlings, and Tom even 'helped' Pippi with her sewing by operating the pedal.

Friday, 15 February 2008

The three of us.

Ann made some cammo boxers for her son.
She did really well following her pattern.
Annette is perfecting the tiny happy shoulder bags and made a sweet pink one for Harriet.
I appliqued 3 birds onto a top for Sarah, and 2 other things. Photos are coming.
It was a quiet week this week, only the 3 of us.

Friday 15th Feb

First things first. This is what we ate; cauliflower popcorn and cupcakes.

Thursday, 7 February 2008

Try again.......

OK, so now they are up.

Denise is knitting a gorgeous coat/cardigan thingy. You can't really see how lovely the wool is in this photo.
Pam was scrapbooking her son's 4th birthday party (he is now 12!!)
In 4 hours all I managed was to partly applique this onesie for baby Susanna..........and make a yummy Cinnamon Teacake.

February 8th cont'd....

I have been trying to upload the rest of today's photos but blogger won't let me. I will try again later.

Jo xx

February 8th

The Tiny Happy shoulder bags (in a small size) were popular again today, both Anne and Annette made one for their daughters Amy and Charlotte. Amy's will be identical to the one Sarah made yesterday.

Katie and Annette discussing the best method for stitching the handles together.

Friday Craft is on again tomorrow. I am trying to decide what to bake for Morning Tea........

Thursday, 31 January 2008

February 1st

Here is Anne knitting an Eels Jersey for her boy.

Correction!! I need to wash my mouth out. Anne is knitting this scarf for someone else's son, hers would not be caught dead in an Eels Jersey!!

What did I make? Nothing. I was playing tutor.

Friday 1st February

Belinda made a tiny happy shoulder bag.

Annette, a pencil roll for her daughter's art class.

Thursday, 24 January 2008

I thought we should have our own Friday Craft Blog for photos, ideas, tutorials, cool craft websites etc...

Please email me anything you would like added to the blog.

Friday Craft starts on February 1st.

Come whenever you like from 9.30 and stay as long as you like.

BYO craft stuff.

Your kids are very welcome, there is a good supply of toys and wiggles DVDs here.
