Here is Pippi in her apron. She loves it so much she was planning outfits to go with it, and she even wore it home in the car.
She also made a preschool bag for Tom out of cute doggy material.

The purse I made from my new sewing book,
'Bend the Rules Sewing' (yes I realise I am probably the last person in Blogland to actually get this book).
I had to unpick it several times and was ready to throw it in the bin at one stage, but it all came good (almost) in the end.
And thanks Pippi for the lovely vintage button to finish it off.

Pippi and I are 'messies', and have the exact same attitude to sewing, get it done as quickly as possible. Instant gratification rules here.

Belinda and Annette left early to go to assembly up at the school, sorry no photos again this week girls.